Friday, July 30, 2010

Week 3: The Little Ones

‘Teaching English in the Primary Classroom’ by Susan Halliwell

Based on the book, Pn.Foziah got us to sit in groups and prepare a presentation. We were referring to Chapter 1: Working with Young Language Learners. This chapter explains that when children go into the classroom, they bring something with them. The have the capacity, instinct, and ability for learning. Therefore, teachers’ responsibility is to create learning based on what they bring into the classroom.

These are the 6 elements:

Children's ability to grasp meaning

For young learner, they usually make sense of their learning if teacher teach concrete vocabulary items that include well-illustrated teaching aids. These meaningful learning experiences make children enable to grasp meaning easily.

Children's creative use of limited language resources

Children's vocabulary is very limited. Therefore, young learner initially learn chunk of language in an unanalyzed way. They are trying to use as creative as possible their limited language resources in order to make others get the meaning and as a way of communication with others.

Children's capacity for indirect learning

Learning occurs in 2 ways-direct & indirect learning. Children often appear to learn in indirect experiences. They acquire certain knowledge and skills subconsciously. The best part of children learning is when they have some fun during teaching and learning process. Creating a non-threatening atmosphere is very essential for them.

Children's instinct for play and fun

Children like to play. Having fun is the best thing that happened in their life. Thus, learning in a fun environment helps them acquire knowledge better.

The role of imagination

Children who actively use their imagination gain lots of benefits such as playing collaboratively and become a creative-thinking person.

The instinct for interaction

Children always want to interact and play. Hence, their instinct can be used in educated way to engage learning in them.

I would say that it is an advantage for teachers. We do not necessarily teach the pupils from scratch. Instead, we can build knowledge based on what they already have. Even Einstein agreed.

“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” ~ Albert Einstein ~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 2: Something New This Way Comes

At the beginning of the lesson, Pn Foziah did housekeeping. She distributed profile forms and survey forms that we had to complete. Then, since there are 2 groups for this course, we had to elect a leader and a treasurer for each group. I was actually nominated as the leader for Group 1, but I refused. It was a perfect situation to reflect on our leadership. Others might think that I refused to accept responsibility but I thought that there are some other people who are more capable and should be given a chance. Finally, for Group 1, Hazwan was elected as the leader and Dominic as the treasurer. Being accountable to something other than ourselves is going to be a challenge. So, good luck to both of them.

After the election, we were introduced to the 5 modules that we have to complete throughout the course. Pn. Foziah reminded that there would be lots of work, but we would learn lots of new things along the way.

The 5 modules:

  • Module 1: Internet Competency
  • Module 2: Audio Editing
  • Module 3: Photo Editing
  • Module 4: Video Editing
  • Module 5: Software for ESL

Actually, I couldn’t wait for modules that involve editing. It’s going to be fun, I suppose.

We were also introduced to 'touch typing'. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. Hence, we can type faster because we can refer to the materials that we want to type instead of looking at the keyboard. The key point is, put our right index finger on the letter G and left finger on the letter F.

Have you ever heard of Skydrive? It is a part of Microsoft Windows Live range of online services. It is also file storage and sharing service that allows users to upload files to the computing cloud and access them from the web browser. Well, in other words, it enables us to share and look into each other’s files.

Before the class ended, we were given the first assignment; Blog (20%). We were required to update our blogs with reflections for every week and also our thoughts regarding this course. Well, blogging is also new to me. Looks like I have a lot to learn.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week 1: Expectations are Funny Things

“Is PBEY3102 really necessary?” I did ask myself the question over and over again when I first registered for the course. Not that it is unimportant but the course title itself, ‘Using and Developing Resources for the ESL Classroom’ sounds familiar. It would give anyone the idea of designing teaching and learning materials. Does this ring a bell?

Back in IPGM Kampus Ilmu Khas, we were repeatedly introduced to selecting and developing materials in our previous courses. Plus, we have developed mountains of teaching aids for the workshops, the simulated teachings and the School Experience Programme (SEP). Well, why should we study this all over again?, I thought. Frankly speaking, I did not expect great things from the course.

Then, everything changed once I entered MK2 for PBEY3102 for the very first time. There was a feeling – a weird feeling. It was triggered by many things, especially the SmartBoard and the computers. I call it the feeling of not knowing. It comes with a desire to know and see a prospect of future good. To me, it is the worst feeling ever as it makes you expect great things and get your hopes up. Yes, I did have great expectations!

I must say that it was like déjà vu all over again. The computers reminded me of my computer classes when I was in school. I like technology. Not that I am an expert or a techno geek but I just love the fact that every technology has a function and every function has a benefit. For instance, I like watching YouTube videos because it is fun. Follow this link (, watch the video and tell me you do not like it.

Come to think of it, the video is an example of authentic materials that can be used for the ESL classroom. Can you imagine how less boring the classroom would be?

Other than that, there are many resources that we can exploit in order to make teaching and learning effective. I have also come across with an article entitled, Exploiting DVDs’ Extra Features: an Added Bonus in the EFL Class' ( The authors mentioned that DVDs are new effective resources in the ELT classroom because of the features such as bonus features, fast-forwarding, and etc.

When Puan Foziah mentioned about the module which involves picture, audio and video editing, I got excited. I also realized that teachers’ creativity should not only be limited to typical resources such as the text book.

Puan Foziah also told us that we have to work hard for this course and gave us a glimpse of what to come. They make us struggle for this course on purpose because they expect great things from us. Therefore, I have to adjust my expectations as well.

I expect that by the end of the course, I should be able to:

  1. Identify the criteria for developing appropriate teaching and learning materials.
  2. Design appropriate teaching and learning materials.
  3. Evaluate existing teaching and learning materials.
  4. Adapt teaching and learning materials to meet specific needs.

There are so many things that I have to learn. I believe that this is a start or a foundation for me to develop and grow. Hence, I am looking forward to learning more about using and developing resources for the ESL classroom in the next fourteen weeks.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010