Thursday, October 7, 2010

Week 12: Ebook

This week we were introduced to ebook. I thought it was a really complicated software but it turned out to be pretty easy. Don't be fooled by the word "eBook", it may sound difficult but it is not. And it doesn't require any software. All you need is Microsoft PowerPoint and you'll be good to go. We were told to come out with simple ideas that would be suitable for primary school pupils. The most important thing when designing eBooks for primary school children would be to ensure they are colorful, they have capturing music on the background and the images are sharp. It is a challenge to choose the mosts suitable images and music for the eBook because those are the main elements that would determine if the eBook is interesting enough for kids.

We need to consider some criteria that were essential in creating the E-Book. The criteria were;

1) Theme of the story.

2) The setting (time and place)

3) Plot-conflict, climax and resolution

4) Characterization

5) Navigational tools (Teacher can go to the next and previous slide)

6) Colourful pictures

7) Sound

Luckily for us, Puan Foziah asks us to do the task in pair. That was a relief for me as it would be difficult to do the task alone. My pair was Atiqah. We have chosen the topic story time. So, we created a story entitled 'Alex the Alley Cat'. We began to collect some pictures or any materials that can be used for the E-Book. As I am more experienced in using PowerPoint, my partner prepared the picture and the sound needed, I just need to embed them to the slides. This was not an easy task, the picture must be big and clear enough for students to see. The sound must be loud enough and the timing must be parallel to each other.

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