Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 7: Unfinished Business

Pn. Foziah gave us the time to complete Module 1. There are still lots of incomplete tutorials. That's my unfinished business. I don't know whether I'm just a slow learner or I'm being really meticulous about the module that I want to have each step of the tutorial right. I found that some of the steps in the tutorials really confusing that I took a long time to get it done. This really irked me as some steps were completely unnecessary and some were completely fabricated.

They were pretty time consuming but I'd gained a lot from the tutorials. Frankly speaking, technology is not my cup of tea so there were so many things that I didn't know. After doing the tutorials, I began to learn and master many computer and internet skills that I never thought I'd know. To put it in simple words, I learned a lot from this module.

Maybe it has nothing to do with my lack of organization or prioritizing skills. So I am so, so grateful that Pn. Foziah let us do our module in class today.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 6: Computing and Internet Skills

Module 1: Computer and Internet Skills. Seriously, it was very thick. I wondered how many tutorials that we have to complete. It is basically about computer and internet skills such as downloading pictures and videos. Well, I am not a dinosaur. I have done that before. I must admit that the some of the tutorials are unnecessary but along the way, we would pick up new things. I believe that there are thousands of new features that I had never encountered before.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 5: Pair Up!

Pn. Foziah gave us a task which required us to design and prepare teaching aids in pairs. It was actually a training that would familiarize us with incorporating technology in teaching resources development and prepare us for Assignment 2. My partner is Atiqah. I never worked with her for assignments, at least not in pairs. It is a good thing to work with people of different gender. Gender roles vary. Studies of the brain have revealed that female brains are stronger in the left hemisphere. In males, the right hemisphere, which governs spatial perception, is stronger. Therefore, a pair of different gender would benefit both advantages.

Sitting in pairs, we were required to plan and develop technological teaching aids based on the topics given. Ours were Directions, Transportations, and Occupations. I would say that it was easy to search for teaching aids from the Internet since it was what I have been doing for years. Trust me; you’ll find endless supplies of teaching aids on the internet.

However, taking their suitability and practicality in the classroom into considerations was very tricky. Back in IPGM Kampus Ilmu Khas, we were very familiar with non-technological teaching aids and the technological resources were only limited to the use of audios, videos, and PowerPoint. Pn. Foziah made it very clear that they remain unexplored by most teachers.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 4: Not a Bad Thing!

Apparently, the class was cancelled because Pn Foziah needed to attend a course. Still, I went to UM anyway since no one informed me. What a bummer! Not that it was a waste. Being in UM has allowed me to catch up with the assignments. I had a discussion about an assignment for other course with my group members. It went well. We managed to do some planning.