Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 2: Something New This Way Comes

At the beginning of the lesson, Pn Foziah did housekeeping. She distributed profile forms and survey forms that we had to complete. Then, since there are 2 groups for this course, we had to elect a leader and a treasurer for each group. I was actually nominated as the leader for Group 1, but I refused. It was a perfect situation to reflect on our leadership. Others might think that I refused to accept responsibility but I thought that there are some other people who are more capable and should be given a chance. Finally, for Group 1, Hazwan was elected as the leader and Dominic as the treasurer. Being accountable to something other than ourselves is going to be a challenge. So, good luck to both of them.

After the election, we were introduced to the 5 modules that we have to complete throughout the course. Pn. Foziah reminded that there would be lots of work, but we would learn lots of new things along the way.

The 5 modules:

  • Module 1: Internet Competency
  • Module 2: Audio Editing
  • Module 3: Photo Editing
  • Module 4: Video Editing
  • Module 5: Software for ESL

Actually, I couldn’t wait for modules that involve editing. It’s going to be fun, I suppose.

We were also introduced to 'touch typing'. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. Hence, we can type faster because we can refer to the materials that we want to type instead of looking at the keyboard. The key point is, put our right index finger on the letter G and left finger on the letter F.

Have you ever heard of Skydrive? It is a part of Microsoft Windows Live range of online services. It is also file storage and sharing service that allows users to upload files to the computing cloud and access them from the web browser. Well, in other words, it enables us to share and look into each other’s files.

Before the class ended, we were given the first assignment; Blog (20%). We were required to update our blogs with reflections for every week and also our thoughts regarding this course. Well, blogging is also new to me. Looks like I have a lot to learn.

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